Understanding Burma: An Evening With Tim Aye Hardy (Thursday, July 1st)

Hi everyone,

As many of you are already aware, OC for Darfur has expanded its focus to include additional regions where mass atrocities are occurring, such as Burma.

It can be challenging to understand the complexities of ethnically based violence in any country. In Burma, a country that does not allow journalists on the ground, information often gets out only through the underground courage of those who put their lives at risk to tell the story.

We are very excited and grateful to be partnered with University Synagogue and the Irvine Chapter of Amnesty International to offer an event, Thursday, July 1st, entitled, Understanding Burma: An Evening with Tim Aye Hardy.

I had the privilege of meeting and getting to know Tim through the Genocide Intervention Network Carl Wilkens Fellowship. He was born and raised in Burma, and a student organizer of the 1988 protests. His participation in this left him needing to flee the country because his life was endangered.

We will be screening the Academy Award nominated documentary Burma VJ, and having a conversation with Tim after the film. It is a rare opportunity to get him out here to Orange County from his current home in New York. We look forward to hearing his firsthand account of life in Burma and really hope you will join us for this event.

Barbara English
Orange County for Darfur, a project of Living Ubuntu
ocfordarfur.org | calendar | blog | facebook

Understanding Burma:
An Evening with Tim Aye Hardy

Understanding Burma: An Evening With Tim Aye Hardy

Thursday, July 1st 2010

University Synagogue
3400 Michelson Dr.
Irvine, CA 92612


What is going on in Burma? How is a military machine of 500,000 soldiers able to deny a country of 50 million it’s most basic rights? Why has Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Price Laureate been under house arrest for over 14 years?

Join us for a screening of Burma VJ and a conversation with Tim Aye Hardy.


http://livingubuntu.org/events for more information. Please RSVP on the website.

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